bubbly fruit salad obsession
My family bought me a copy of the fermentation Bible for Christmas. I promptly devoured it, taking lots of notes on things I wanted to try. Before long, I had several jars of weird stuff bubbling on my kitchen counter. My favorite experiment thus far has been fermented fruit salad (Katz calls it "friendship fruit," which is very cute). Essentially, you take whatever fruit you want and throw it in a container with some liquid and sugar. And then you let it ferment. It eventually becomes effervescent and the fruit retains its original taste. Once it gets going you can just keep adding more fruit to the jar and it continues to work its magic. I've been eating it on plain yogurt in the morning and copious amounts as a snack or after-dinner treat. Here's how to get it going: Combine the following in a jar: fruit (so far I've used fresh, frozen, and canned - apples, mandarin oranges, mangos, halved grapes, blueberries, strawberries, pineapple) - fill the jar almost f...