|soy cheese - my first time|

This post is dedicated to Marie and Lauren, who apparently actually click on this blog from time to time and, in doing so, encouraged me to actually post something for once. I hope you enjoy your lentil tacos!

So...yesterday there was a big news story about a massive beef recall. I heard CNN was showing the video all day long. Fortunately, I don't watch CNN, so I didn't see the video. But, after hearing about the story when we were at our "reduce your carbon output/stop global warming class", I came home and had to Google it. I couldn't even watch the videos, because just reading about the treatment of these poor animals made me cry myself to sleep. I wish I was being melodramatic when I say that, but it's actually true.

And these cows were dairy cows at one point in time, so that's how they got so sick and were being killed for really cheap meat. To feed to our children. Or to end up in the garbage at a school cafeteria. You remember those days. By the way, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, go to www.hsus.org. They're the ones who broke the story.

Anyway, I'm not a huge animal lover or anything. I wear leather. I think it's okay to kill animals and eat them. I became a vegetarian for environmental reasons, not for animal rights reasons. But this, this is just wrong. There's no denying that. And the dairy issue was particularly bothersome because I'm not a vegan, nor do I think I will ever be a vegan. I try to get cage free eggs and buy organic milk and yogurt (though I have my doubts that the giant organic milk companies are that much better).

All of this being said, I had to go to the grocery store this morning. I said a small prayer of confession as I walked past all the raw beef (again, wish I was kidding, but I'm not). And I decided I would try some soy cheese for the first time, just to check it out.

The verdict? Soy cheese is freaking awesome. It is about a thousand times more tasty than fat-free cheese (which is, sadly, what we usually eat in our house). It is SO FREAKING GOOD. I am really pumped about this discovery. I made a grilled cheese for lunch and it was amazing.

So, I'm still not a vegan. And I don't think I will ever be one. And since my husband and I decided last night that moving a dairy cow into our spare bedroom really won't work at this point in our lives, I guess soy cheese is a good option. If it saves one cow from that horrible fate, it's worth the few extra pennies it costs. Plus, it tastes better.


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