|fun with the rice cooker|

If you're like me, you think that rice cookers are for making nice, sticky white rice without having to worry about it burning. You would be right. And even if that was all your rice cooker could do, it would be an amazing appliance.

We decided we wanted a rice cooker after I learned from my friend Suzanne that you can also make brown rice in it. Brown rice is usually such a royal pain to cook...so we asked for a rice cooker for Christmas.

My mom, being the best gift-giver in the whole wide universe, gave us a rice cooker AND a great little book with recipes for things you can cook in the rice cooker. Holy moley! Who knew you could cook so many things in there?!? You can make bulgur, quinoa, couscous, polenta, oatmeal...basically anything that's a grain.

And - wait for it - you can also ADD STUFF TO YOUR RICE while it's IN THE COOKER. God be praised. Who knew this was possible? We have made some really tasty things since we got this cookbook. I'll share with you one of recipes that we just discovered tonight. And if you want to buy the whole darn book, get thee to Amazon post haste. You won't regret it (unless you don't have a rice cooker).

1) Saute some grated onion in a little butter in a skillet. If your rice cooker doesn't have a stupid weight-enabled safety feature like ours, you can even do this IN your rice cooker. Seriously. It's amazing.
2) Once the onion gets soft, add 1 cup of rice. Saute for about 10 minutes until it starts to get golden (low heat). Put some pepper on it.
3) Put it in your cooker. Put three thin slices of lemon and a bay leaf on top of the rice. Add 1/2 cup of white wine, 1 3/4 cup of broth. Add a little salt.
4) Put the cover on and let it cook till your cooker says it's done. Fluff and serve (remove the bay leaf and lemon slices first).



sandy said…
What fun! Just the other day I thought that I needed to ask you if you were enjoying the rice cooker! Guess this answers that question! Best gift giver in the 'whole universe'...wow! That is quite a title, and quite a bit overstated..:0); however, I DO LOVE Christmas!

Enjoyed the little article!

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