|what up, vivanno?|

So, I pretty much can make a chocolate banana Vivanno at home. It's awesome and every time I do it, I smile because I'm saving 4 bucks. Also, it's faster than going to Starbucks.


Combine in a blender:
1 cup skim milk
1/2 cup light vanilla ice cream
1 banana, previously frozen and cut into large chunks
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon protein powder

Blend. Eat. Smile.

  • I use the ice cream to help with the consistency. I also think you could probably add a second frozen banana and get the same thing.
  • If you don't have protein powder, I'm sure it wouldn't affect the taste. I just add it to help with my protein consumption. I use the big canister kind in all my smoothies/milkshakes. It helps.
  • To freeze bananas, just take ripe ones, peel them, cut into thirds and put on a cookie sheet in the freezer overnight. In the AM, take them off the sheet and put into a plastic baggie. They make your smoothies have a fabulous consistency. This works with pretty much all kinds of smoothie fruits (berries, peaches, nectarines, pineapple, mango, etc).


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