|indian convenience food|

Sometimes, coming up with new recipes gets old. And so does eating the same old stuff. So we were pleasantly surprised to discover an entire half-aisle at our local grocery store of what I'm gonna call "Indian convenience food." We don't usually shop those middle aisles too much because most of the stuff there is way too high in points for us to eat. But we were low on ideas of what to cook this week and browsing the aisles.

Our favorite local grocery store is family-owned and has the best romaine lettuce ever. They also have organic milk cheaper than the big box store. And they have a rockin' bulk food section. And - will wonders never cease - they also have a whole aisle of ready-to-eat Asian and Indian food.

So we were looking at the Indian food and found a little pouch of Dal Makhani. I've never had it before, but it says it's "lentils in tomato cream sauce." Sounds good to me. Nutritional info says its 2-3 points per serving. We figure we'll serve it over rice - adding another 4 points for a 6 point entree.

Let me tell you about the joy of preparing this dish. There is a plastic pouch. You snip the edge. You stick it in the microwave for 2 minutes. You take it out, open it up and pour it over rice (cooked in the rice-cooker, of course!).

Verdict? It was AWESOME. Really excited about this find and eager to try other varieties.

Oh, yeah, as I'm sure you're wondering - it does have 16% of my daily sodium. But I don't want to hear about it because I'm already watching calories, fiber, fat, protein. And not eating meat. And trying to buy outside the industrial food complex. There's only so much I can worry about.

Sodium isn't on my list.


sandy said…
LOL...only your mother would ask about the sodium! I love the simplicity of this...sounds good!

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