|probably never buying nut butter again|

So...I was getting really bored with my reduced fat brand-name peanut butter. I keep reading everywhere that the reduced fat stuff is actually not as good for you as the real deal (preservatives, corn syrup, etc. etc. and there's not that much of a difference in fat content, either - plus, let's face it, it tastes like poo).

Then I remembered that I had often seen a friend make walnut-butter balls in her food processor. She puts her son's medications and supplements in them and then they're tasty. And, man, are they ever tasty. I could eat a ton of those things. They are just little rolled-up balls of walnutty goodness.

This made me think - hmmm...I bet I could make almond butter in my food processor. So, I bought a bag of roasted unsalted whole almonds and went to work. I just threw them all in my processor (about a cup at a time, till they were all in there) and just kept spinning and spinning. After a long time of wondering, "Will this ever work?" and a couple of teaspoons of olive oil, it magically turned into smooth, creamy, amazing almond butter. I added a little salt, too, and next time I think I'll add some honey.

Next time might happen really soon becuase this stuff is so so so good.


Amanda said…
Good to know! Lilly hates peanut butter and I've been wanting to buy some almond butter. But now that I know you can make it in your food processor...the possibilities!
Rob said…
Yep, you hit it on the head with adding a little oil. Mmm...almond butter, still warm from the food processor...mmmm...

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